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Chapter One

Why? Why does this always happen to me? I always feel like crap at the end of the day and I can only relax on Saturday when I’m with my best friend. No one understands me, I want to die and get away from it all, this life is dystopic, and soon I will lose everything. My family, my friends, my boyfriend, my possessions, my life… everything but even I know it would’ve ended eventually, the sad thing is, I’ve already lost my family and my possessions to those blasted creatures we call ‘undead’ because they had no heartbeat, no soul, no blood of their own, and worst of all, they fed off of humans. Humans as a race are despicable.

 “Need to forget, need to be forgotten” Rose repeated over and over quietly to herself as she collected her books from her locker “no one can save me” Rose has an average life, she has both parents that love her (even though they’re split up and she rarely ever sees her mother), she has a half baby brother named Matthew, she goes to an average school and she does her school work, she’s a shy, silent girl who spends majority of her time either reading or writing stories while listening to music, nothing special ever happens in her life. Rose has Blondie Brown hair that almost goes down to her waist, pale blue eyes, she’s slim with very little muscle, and Rose is no girly girl, if anything she’s more comfortable in males clothes with no make-up (other than the occasional lip gloss an nail polish) “this fairy tale can’t be changed, I’m not the princess were everything will turn out to be a happily ever after” Rose has this obsession with referring everything to a fairy tale “I’m the servant in the background who’s life gets worse when the princess leaves with her prince charming” Rose rambled on to no one in particular. She closed her locker with her books in her arms, the thing about Rose is that… she’s me, well she’s the part of me that I let wonder free, whereas the other parts of me are locked away and the key is hidden.

My names Jade Emerald Slattery, I called that part of me ‘Rose’ because they were all named after some kind of flower or gem and because to me a rose means freedom and something unique and different. As Rose walked down the hall towards her next class with her books in her arms, she’s in her grey moulted shorts and black city T-shirt. She saw her newly ex-boyfriend Jake, he has short black hair that he styled to look messy and he’s wearing my favourite jeans and T-shirt that I bought him last year (before we broke up). I instantly took control and I gave him my cute little smile that I use to give him but now it had a warning behind it which said, ‘don’t come any closer to me’ and I’m pretty sure he got the message because he quickly slipped into class before me. As usual when I entered the class all eyes were on me, as soon as I stepped foot into the door way I let Rose take over and she gave everyone an adorable smile that can melt anyone’s heart, she sat down in our usual seat with my best friend Alex next to me “hey Rose” he whispered, Alex used to have brown hair until he died it blue now it’s a mixer between light and dark blue oh, and he’s the only one that knows about Rose and the others, I made him swear a few years ago to never tell anyone about the other parts of me. Alex is the only one I can trust right now and he’s wearing that stupid shirt I always told him to get rid of, but he never listens to me, the jeans that he’s wearing actually suits the shirt, but I still hate it and the smirk he always has on when I’m around. I’ll admit it makes him look cute but he’s more of a friend to me than anything else “hey!” my usual self-took over and I spun around when I felt a piece of paper hit me in the back of the head “what’s your problem?” I called over to the only person who would’ve done that “oh, me?” the guy in the back corner called back, I gave him the meanest smirk I could muster “who else is stupid enough to throw a piece of paper at me?” Fletcher rolled his eyes then looked at the piece of paper. Fletcher is considered a ‘cool kid’ he always wears jeans and a black or blue shirt, his hair is a bleach blonde ‘what are you up to Fletcher?’ curiosity got the better of me and I picked up the piece of paper that hit me and unfolded it. The crumpled paper was a letter and I know exactly who wrote it… Fletcher, it read,

Dear Jade

I know I’m not particularly nice to you but I’d like us to be secret friends. I know it’s hard to trust anyone with your secret but you can trust me, I know everything. Even about your parents and how you got like this.

If you’re interested to know what you are meet me at the back oval tomorrow at midnight.

P.S. Don’t let Alex fool you

Yours Sincerely

Fletcher Alan Macintosh

“Secret? My parents? Trust, Him? Fool? Midnight… at the back oval?” I mumbled to myself making sure no one saw the letter “why would he know anything about me? And why does he say ‘what you are’?” I crumpled the paper back up and shoved it into my pocket then wrote what the teacher told us to write from the board. A few minutes later I wrote him a not back which said,


What’s the go? Why are you writing me a weird letter? Seriously, if this is some joke I will kill you


Jade Emerald Flattery

I turned back towards him, and quickly threw the note at him. It got him square on the nose and it dropped onto his book, he looked up at me with his smirk and I stared at him with hatred. After a moment’s hesitation he opened the note and read it, he shook his head then held up his hand “what’s he doing?” I whispered then turned back to the front just as the teacher turned to the class “oh, yes Fletcher?” he said, I could hear the shock in his voice “sir, I just remembered that my mother wants me to meet her very soon and I have to take someone with me” Sir looked at him knowingly “who are you taking?” he asked “well sir, I don’t have any friends in this class so I’ll take Jade because she’s the only one I actually know” I stiffened as sir nodded “all right, go on” Fletcher moved towards me, I stacked up my books and rested them neatly in my arms then stood up almost forcefully and walked out of the door. Not waiting for Fletcher, I walked straight up to my locker “damn idiot, why me? Why not his slut of a friend Bertha?” I groaned “why me” and on cue Fletcher rounded the corner with an amused smile “what is it Fletcher? What do you want and what the hell was that letter about?” I whispered angrily and clenched my hands into fists, I was about ready to punch him in the face just to let some anger out but he grabbed both of my wrists and pinned me against the locker “let me go dickface” I growled and tried to kick him off of me but his grip on my wrists only tightened “shut up for a minute and look at me” he said in a low voice that made him seem dangerous and that’s when Ruby took over and spat in his face “I don’t have to do shit” she smirked and I took over again “Ruby shut up” I mumbled angrily “as I thought, you have split personalities, that’s why you don’t remember. Bring out the oldest personality you have, I need to talk to her” he said urgently “over my dead body” I moved my face closer to his every inch was a different word. Fletcher let me go after a few seconds thought “I’ll see you at midnight” he said softly and walked away with his hands in his pockets, he stopped a little ways down the corridor “sir will think it’s weird if you return by yourself so you might as well come with me” he said over his shoulder and smirked “you’ll have to drag me” Ruby sneered, in response he shrugged and picked her up, carrying her over his shoulder “what are you doing? Put me down” she exclaimed and started slamming her fist into his back as he walked out of the school towards a silver Ford Fusion. Fletcher unlocked the car and set me inside, buckling myself in reluctantly as he went over to the other side and got in, speeding out of the school parking lot.

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